
沸腾文学>深海圆疑结局什么意思 > 第45部分(第1页)


the inter。

〃Can you see anything; Norman?〃

〃No; nothing。〃 He was straining to look toward the horizon; where the squid had always appeared。 The first thing had always been a green glow on the horizon。 But he saw no glow now。

Beth was panting。

〃I can feel something; Norman。 I feel the water 。。。 surging 。。。 strong。 。。。〃

The screen flashed:


〃Dont you see anything out here?〃 Beth said。

〃No。 I dont see anything at all。〃 He saw Beth; alone on the muddy bottom。 Her light the solitary focus of his attention。

''304'' 〃I can feel it; Norman。 Its close。 Jesus God。 What about the alarms?〃

〃Nothing; Beth。〃

〃Jesus。〃 Her breath came in hissing gasps as she ran。 Beth was in good shape; but she couldnt exert herself like that in this atmosphere。 Not for long; he thought。 Already he could see she was moving more slowly; the helmet lamp bobbing more slowly。


〃Yes; Beth。 Im here。〃

〃Norman; I dont know if I can make it。〃

〃Beth; you can make it。 Slow down。〃

〃Its here; I can feel it。〃

〃I dont see anything; Beth。〃

He heard a rapid sharp clicking sound。 At first he thought it was static on the line; and then he realized it was her teeth chattering as she shivered。 With this exertion she should be getting overheated; but instead she was getting cold。 He didnt understand。

〃…cold; Norman。〃

〃Slow down; Beth。〃


She was slowing down; despite herself。 She had e into the area of the habitat lights; and she was no more than ten yards from the hatch; but he could see her limbs moving slowly; clumsily。

And now at last he could see something swirling the muddy sediment behind her; in the darkness beyond the lights。 It was like a tornado; a swirling cloud of muddy sediment。 He couldnt see what was inside the cloud; but he sensed the power within it。


Beth stumbled; fell。 The swirling cloud moved toward her。


Beth got to her feet; looked back; saw the churning cloud bearing down on her。 Something about it filled Norman with a deep horror; a horror from childhood; the stuff of nightmares。

〃Normannnnnn 。。。〃

''305'' Then Norman was running; not really knowing what he was going to do; but propelled by the vision he had seen; thinking only that he had to do something; he had to take some action; and he went through B into A and looked at his suit but there wasnt time and the black water in the open hatch was spitting and swirling and he saw Beths gloved hand below the surface; flailing; she was right there beneath him; and she was the only other one; and without thinking he jumped into the black water and went down。

The shock of the cold made him want to scream; it tore at his lungs。 His whole body was instantly numb; and he felt a second of hideous paralysis。 The water churned and tossed him like a great wave; he was powerless to fight it; his head banged on the underside of the habitat。 He could see nothing at all。

He reached for Beth; throwing his arms blindly in all directions。 His lungs burned。 The water spun him in circles; upended him。

